Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Want My Eyes to Make a Statement

A showered Nina is always a happy and more-approachable Nina. Finally after a few hours of doing nothing of real importance, I got myself into the shower to get myself ready to go out with friend. Not out out. Just out to our friend's place to have good ol' laughs and memories.

While showering, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to wear. I haven't done laundry yet (I'm being lazy), so my what-to-wear choices are small. Even though I didn't know what I wanted to wear while I was trying to get the soap out of my eye, I did know one thing. And that one thing was that I wanted to wear noticable, bold eyeshadow tonight.

Why? My reasoning is simple. (1) I'm Nina, and for those who stumbled across this and have no idea why me being me has to do with my choice of eyeshadow, I will briefly explain; I love colors, I hate my eye color and I like to wear eyeshadow that brings out my eyes that's colorful and noticeable. Makes sense, right? (2) Today, I feel like all and complete shit. A stupid cold how somehow snuck up on me and infected me, and I'm slowly but surely getting sick. The minor conjestion and small sore throat is my current symptoms. Its only a matter of time before I'm hocking up snot, sneezing, and coughing my lungs out. Not to mention I'm a little stressed out. Wearing bold eyeshadow would sort of bring color to my sick-lame day. (3) Since I'm only going to Brit's house with people who have sadly seen me in the morning after a party, hair a mess and makeup down to my chin, I feel no real reason for me to get all decked out in my layers of face (foundation and such...), and a dress or some kind of very nice outfit. And since I'm taking less time to make myself presentable, I want my eyes to present me for me. Solution: bold eyeshadow. So instead of my friends realizing that I'm tired, a little sick, and dressed down, they'll notice my eyeshadow.

My eyes will make my statement for me incase because of my mood, I can't express Nina to her full potential as I usually do. My eyeshadow will be laughing for me while I let out a small giggle. My eyeshadow will be me smiling when all I have is a small grin. My eyeshadow will shove it in someone's face when I dominate at Beer Pong, or some other game like that, while all I can say is,"Wow, I won!" Yes, my eyeshadow will talk for me while I bite on my lip, not able to find something to say.

And with that, I am choosing to wear my bright turquoise eyeshadow. If I take pictures, I will probably put it on my twitter. But if not, you'll only have to visualize how cool turquoise eyeshadow looks if you don't have some yourself.


PS: Concluding Outfit= Bullethead jeans, with my awesome "baseball T" that makes no real fashion sense; coral colored sleeves, grey shirt with the number 55 written in neon yellow. I love this shirt, and I feel my eyeshadow choice was perfect.

Dear Readers, You Are My Pillow I'll Scream In

Hole. EE. Poo.

It has been a good amount of time since I tampered with this thing. Wow, the last thing I blogged about was MetroCon? Its been months, and yet I still haven't figured out how to work this thing. I want a spiffy layout. Since I have no intentions of sleeping, I will probably take the next few hours before sunrise to figure this thing out. ...Oh! And find other people I know on here.

I figured... Right now, I'm going through an interestingly difficult and adventurous time in my life, and I figured that I should use a blog as my pillow to scream into, even if most of the time it won't be what's actually going on. I'm totally okay with that, and I hope you are too. And if not... well... then... that sucks for you.

Fun Fact: My grandma just scared the Hell out of me. In fact, there may be a puddle of Hell on the floor. Now, keep this in mind: All the lights are off in my house except for the light to the room I'm in now, and the only sounds are of me typing and of my dog wandering around in the darkness. Then, all of a sudden while I was in the middle of typing, I heard," Oh! You are home." Thanks grandma for making me pee myself a little.

Instead of taking the time and text space to give small snippets of what has been going on in my snow globe of a life, I'm going to happily rant about how much tonight sort of sucked.

A feeling I have been feeling lately is lonely, and tonight I feel especially that for reasons I am far too lazy to actually type out today. My initial plans of the night were to either (a) go out with Amanda, Michelle, Jason, Kailey, and Amanda to a party with my friend Moe, where there would be a bunch of fun people or (b) go to some birthday party at a hotel with Chet that was for his friend's cute sister. Guess what? Plans for both fell through. Instead, I got all dolled up for no good reason, watched The Nanny, had coffee at The Globe (which was probably one of my highlights of my night. I saw a hobo take off his fake leg!), picked up a very drunk Chet, then came home and now I'm here typing nonsense.

...Which, by the way, I did not mind doing at all. I'm totally down for picking up a drunk friend in need. I just get annoyed when said-friend repeatingly fails to give me directions to where I need to go. I may be a little smart and know how to get around where I live, but I can't just wing it where people are or guess so well I actually get it right. Picking him up was interesting because when I got there, I expected to be sort of awkwardly stared at and a little ignored, only wanting me to leave as soon as possible. However, instead, about 4 or so people who knew me there saw me standing in the hall on my phone and greeted me with drunken," Nina!"s. I even got a few hugs and a handshake out of it. Oh, and for the record, Chet's friend Ryan is hot. I don't care if Chet's my ex and if may have hurt his feelings when I told him that. I was just stating a very true and lovely fact. Its not like anything is going to happen from a compliment.

But anyways, now I'm here, praying to God that somehow something delicious just appears in my refrigerator.

With that though, I think I'm going to try to figure this out a little, get some food, then sleep.

Latez. Expect more my darlings.


PS: Wow, I just found an adorable pic! Click the link and let an "Awww! How cute" at your computer screen.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Catching Up and Late Night Rambling

Since I'm not exactly tired yet, despite how late/early it is, and there's an episode of Family Guy on that's I've already seen a couple thousand times, I figured it was time to update my lovely blog. Which, by the way, I'm still figuring out.

Last time I updated, I was up very early, getting ready for MetroCon. Which, let me say, was a blast. One bad thing about MetroCon and any other anime convention is that they warp your reality. After being there for a good 30 minutes or so, you become accustomed to seeing Inuyashas talking with Clouds, and Cat-people dancing around with Resident Evil guys. So later that day when I went into WalMart, I was a little confused as to why people were staring at me strangely. But after a few minutes of being around normal people, I realized and told myself," Nina, you're a black girl dressed as Snow White, and a skimpy one at that. People aren't used to that craziness. Especially those at WalMart in P-county." Whatever, I didn't care though. I was on a mission to get glow sticks.

But yes, MetroCon was a lot of fun! I didn't want it end. I don't think I've ever felt that way about it, and I've been going there for about 4 or so years now. I even have my wrist band still on. I probably won't take it off until it gets tired of hanging on my wrist. Let me just say that I loved the attention I got. So many people took my picture. It was amazing. Not to mention, I met some pretty awesome people who I now have the numbers of. I intend to keep in contact with them too.

So, the day at MetroCon was fun. Katie, Mer, Joey, and I witnessed Peter Griffin and The Chicken fight. We all sat in the Gundam Wing panel where I was reminded why I love Scott McNeil (he's such an attention slut coughcoughWITHANUGLYGIRLFRIENDcoughcough). As a bonus, I have a new love; Kirby Morrow. Its on. Haha. Anyways, yes, the day was awesome. I bought three things. Three things that have no relation to eachother at all; an old-man pipe, an Autobot decal for Apollo (my car), and a sushi keychain. Sadly, I had to take Katie home, and Joey and Mer left. I, however, was enjoying myself too much to just leave the Nerdfest, so I went back. My awkward adventure to WalMart fits in when I drop Katie off and head back out to Tampa.

The night was just as fun as during the day. Met up with the people who dubbed me "Black Ice", replacing "Snow White" for obvious reasons. I continued on to meet new people and then went to the rave where I met more awesome people and danced my ass off. Oh, let me add that the DJ for the rave Rick Rolled us. All of us. We were all KOed. But anyways, after the rave, I went to hotel after party, where the fun just continued and I met this really awesome guy named David who I spoke with the majority of the night while hanging out with Red and the other girls, Scott McNeil being in the back corner of the pool deck.

To sum it up, MetroCon was a blast, and it makes me excited for next year and other Cons to come. My outfit next time is going to rock.

On that following Monday, I partied. What else would I do? We had a lot of fun. Times over at Taylors are always a blast.

... I'm trying to remember what else I did that week... I went to the club Thursday. That was pretty fun. ... Oh geez, I'm being boring. Sorry guys.

Oh oh! Pride was Saturday! Another day where many pictures were taken of me. That was so much fun. Katie and I got all rainbowed-up. All the Gays loved
that I had "Fag Hag" written on my legs in rainbow. I had to let them know I was on their side, man! Haha. During the parade, I got so many beads. And thanks to Katie, she added to my collection by giving me hers. THANK YOU KATIE! I don't know what it is about beads that make me go a little bonkers! They're free, colorful, shiny, and make noise when you jump. What isn't there to like about beads?

Some other fun events happened, but listening to The Friday Night Boys while I blog makes it difficult to type a little since I'm totally jamming to their CD right now. My dog, Kona, just came over and looked at me like I as insane. Smart dog.

Today, I had some retail thereapy. Thanks to the people who came to my graduation party, I got some cash. And I used $20 in cash, plus the $50 gift cards to take myself shopping. I feel that I deserved some new clothes is all. The rest of my money I plan on putting away. I only used a little of it. And might I add that I did very well at spending my money wisely. Three dresses and nail polish for $50 exactly and lunch with Sandra at California Pizza (or whatever the fuck its called...) where I spend about $20. I'm proud of myself. Soon, however, I need to start looking for a good bank to put the $300 I do have put away.

I am over the rainy weather we have been having lately. I want to heat. I want the sun. If the humidity could go away, though, that would be awesome. I'm going to continue to listen to The Friday Night Boys, and then after that, I will attempt sleep. Wish me luck.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Caution: She's Dressed Up

I think the best part of dressing up is going out in public and seeing people's reations.

In my opinion, if you aren't ready to see the absurd, don't walk out your door. The world is full of randomosity and fun. If you can't take it, go back to sleep.

And yes, I am dressed up as Snow White for MetroCon. Its a last minute costume and I refuse to go in normal clothing. And yes, I know its ironic. I live for the irony.